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Reading Plans:

New Testament in 31 Days

1. Matthew 1–8
2. Matthew 9–15
3. Matthew 16–23
4. Matthew 24–28
5. Mark 1–6
6. Mark 7–11
7. Mark 12–16
8. Luke 1–6
9. Luke 7–11
10. Luke 12–18
11. Luke 19–24
12. John 1–7
13. John 8–13
14. John 14–21
15. Acts 1–7
16. Acts 8–14
17. Acts 15–21
18. Acts 22–28
19. Romans 1–8
20. Romans 9–16
21. 1 Corinthians 1–9
22. 1 Corinthians 10–16
23. 2 Corinthians 1–13
24. Galatians 1–6; Ephesians 1–6
25. Philippians 1–4; Colossians 1–4; 1 Thessalonians 1–5
26. 2 Thessalonians 1–3; 1 Timothy 1–6; 2 Timothy 1–4
27. Titus 1–3; Philemon 1; Hebrews 1–9
28. Hebrews 10–13; James 1–5
29. 1 Peter 1–5; 2 Peter 1–3; 1 John 1–5
30. 2 John 1; 3 John 1; Jude 1; Revelation 1–10
31. Revelation 11–22

Psalms & Proverbs in 31 Days

1. Psalms 1–7; Proverbs 1
2. Psalms 8–14; Proverbs 2
3. Psalms 15–18; Proverbs 3
4. Psalms 19–24; Proverbs 4
5. Psalms 25–30; Proverbs 5
6. Psalms 31–34; Proverbs 6
7. Psalms 35–37; Proverbs 7
8. Psalms 38–41; Proverbs 8
9. Psalms 42–46; Proverbs 9
10. Psalms 47–51; Proverbs 10
11. Psalms 52–57; Proverbs 11
12. Psalms 58–63; Proverbs 12
13. Psalms 64–68; Proverbs 13
14. Psalms 69–72; Proverbs 14
15. Psalms 73–76; Proverbs 15
16. Psalms 77–78; Proverbs 16
17. Psalms 79–82; Proverbs 17
18. Psalms 83–87; Proverbs 18
19. Psalms 88–89; Proverbs 19
20. Psalms 90–94; Proverbs 20
21. Psalms 95–101; Proverbs 21
22. Psalms 102–104; Proverbs 22
23. Psalms 105–106; Proverbs 23
24. Psalms 107–110; Proverbs 24
25. Psalms 111–118; Proverbs 25
26. Psalm 119:1–88; Proverbs 26
27. Psalm 119:89–176; Proverbs 27
28. Psalms 120–131; Proverbs 28
29. Psalms 132–137; Proverbs 29
30. Psalms 138–143; Proverbs 30
31. Psalms 144–150; Proverbs 31